Mary Ellen Smith, APRN, BC is a board certified mental health nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist who has been in nursing practice for more than 30 years. She has a Master’s degree from a federally accredited nurse practitioner program in mind body medicine. She has worked as a nurse clinician for 15 years at a major teaching hospital in Boston, Ma in the psychiatric emergency service, specializing in crisis intervention and grief work. She has extensive experience in both medical and psychiatric nursing, working in hospitals, outpatient clinics, and in the community. Her work includes working with severe and chronically mentally ill individuals as a prescribing nurse in a clinic setting as well as fifteen years as a psychotherapist. She operated a sole proprietor counseling practice, providing holistic mind/body therapies, psychopharmacological treatment and psychotherapy for over ten years. She has advanced certifications in traumatic stress, EMDR (eye movement and desensitization and reprocessing) attachment work, drug free mind/body techniques, holistic nutrition, and hypnotherapy, She has training in family work, adult, and geriatric psychiatry. Ms Smith is a certified GAPS practitioner with years of experience cooking with the GAPS diet. Special interests include mental health, autism, autoimmune disease, nutritional support and health maintenance.